Make a Donation through our Annual Fund
Dear Hurley Community,
On behalf of Neighborhood Partners for the Hurley School (NPHS), thank you for being a part of the Hurley community! We are grateful for the administrators, teachers, staff, parents, and community partners who make the Hurley a kind and welcoming place to learn in a bilingual setting.
Our amazing Hurley students continue to rely on your support, and we are grateful for any contribution you can make to our Annual Fund.NPHS provides essential resources for many of the programs that contribute to Hurley maintaining its status as a Tier 1 School. This includes funding for mental health professionals and social workers, academic tutors, reading and math specialists, and after school programs for instruction in swimming, chess, music, coding, robotics, art, chorus and musical theater. NPHS will continue to provide financial support to help make all of these programs available to every student regardless of ability to pay. In addition, NPHS contributions help to supplement school supplies, soccer field maintenance, community building events, and infrastructure projects (including a new lighting system for the soccer field to allow use by Hurley students in the evenings during the winter season). Overall, NPHS fundraising provides approximately $400 per Hurley student each year for critical needs.
This year, NPHS would like to specifically request a contribution for the purpose of expanding the book collection and library infrastructure at the Hurley. NPHS is working closely with Hurley administration to explore new options for library space and arrange for a new BPS librarian to manage the Hurley collection, but there is a critical need for additional books in every classroom. This is particularly the case with respect to authentic Spanish language children’s books, which tend to be more costly and difficult to procure. Offering each student reading choices that align with both their interests and reading level is critical to building bilingual literacy and a love of reading. Your donation will help to substantially expand Hurley’s bilingual offerings for appropriate grade level reading, along with requisite storage for the collection.
At NPHS, championing our children means offering our wholehearted support of Hurley administrators, teachers and support staff in their stated goals. To make these goals possible, we humbly ask you to consider a gift in support of the 2024 Annual Appeal.
With Gratitude,
The Board of Neighborhood Partners for the Hurley SchoolIf you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to Neighborhood Partners for the Hurley School (NPHS), and send it to:
Neighborhood Partners for the Hurley School (NPHS)
PO Box 180763
Boston, MA 02118